Security News

Now that's a fortune cookie! Facebook splats $5k command-injection bug in one of its servers
2018-08-24 21:51

Find flaw, report flaw, fix flaw, get paid. Bish, bash, bosh Facebook has patched a remote-code execution flaw discovered in one of its servers.…

New Apache Struts RCE Flaw Lets Hackers Take Over Web Servers
2018-08-22 14:18

Semmle security researcher Man Yue Mo has disclosed a critical remote code execution vulnerability in the popular Apache Struts web application framework that could allow remote attackers to run...

Smart homes can be easily hacked via unsecured MQTT servers
2018-08-20 15:53

The Internet of Things is full of security holes, and the latest one has been pointed out by Avast researcher Martin Hron: unsecured MQTT servers. What is MQTT? The Message Queuing Telemetry...

16-Year-Old Teen Hacked Apple Servers, Stole 90GB of Secure Files
2018-08-17 12:18

Well, there's something quite embarrassing for Apple fans. Though Apple servers are widely believed to be unhackable, a 16-year-old high school student proved that nothing is impossible. The...

Open MQTT Servers Raise Physical Threats in Smart Homes
2018-08-16 13:44

Misconfigured DIY smart-home hubs for home automation could allow attackers to track owners’ movements, see if smart doors and windows are opened or closed, and even open garage doors.

Amazon S3 Bucket Exposed GoDaddy Server Information
2018-08-13 01:51

A publicly accessible Amazon S3 bucket was found storing documents apparently detailing GoDaddy infrastructure running in the Amazon AWS cloud, UpGuard reveals. read more

Can we talk about the little backdoors in data center servers, please?
2018-08-10 06:33

Remote management a double-edged sword, IT admins warned at hacking conference Black Hat Data centers are vital in this cloudy world – yet little-understood management chips potentially give...

Putting the ass in Atlassian: Helpdesk email server passwords blabbed to strangers
2018-08-02 21:56

Logins misdirected to wrong boxes by Jira toolkit Exclusive Atlassian has warned users of its Jira Service Desk toolkit to change their helpdesk email account passwords – after a glitch caused the...

U.S. Now Leads by Number of DDoS Botnet C&C Servers
2018-07-25 16:05

The United States was the top region by number of distributed denial of service (DDoS) botnet command and control (C&C) servers in Q2 2018, Kaspersky Lab reports.

ZDI offers hefty bounties for zero-days in popular web servers, CMSes
2018-07-25 15:33

The Trend Micro-backed Zero Day Initiative is asking bug hunters to look for zero-day RCE vulnerabilities in several open source server-side products and is ready to pay up to $200,000 for some of...