Security News

Slow down the security patch cycle
2004-04-13 09:37,,92037,00.html Opinion by Bill Addington APRIL 08, 2004 COMPUTERWORLD There are many myths surrounding computer network security that...

The federal computer security report card: Lessons from Uncle	Sam
2004-04-12 08:00,,91899,00.html Opinion by Marc Gartenberg APRIL 08, 2004 COMPUTERWORLD For the fourth year in a row, the federal government released...

Windows to remain security risk for years to come
2004-04-08 14:13,10801,92013,00.html News Story by Matthew Broersma APRIL 07, 2004 (TECHWORLD.COM) LONDON -- Microsoft Corp.'s efforts to limit the...

Credit agency reports security breach
2004-03-18 08:32,10801,91319,00.html By Carly Suppa MARCH 17, 2004 TORONTO MARCH 17, 2004 - TORONTO - More than 1,400 Canadians, primarily in the...

Security considerations for Web-based mail
2004-03-15 07:07,10801,90731,00.html Advice by Keith Pasley MARCH 10, 2004 COMPUTERWORLD What do field salespeople, home teleworkers, medical personnel...

Risk management seen as key to IT security
2004-03-12 06:59,10801,90987,00.html By Kathleen Melymuka MARCH 10, 2004 COMPUTERWORLD PALM DESERT, Calif. -- In IT security, emotional reactions, panic...

Update: Microsoft rethinks latest security patch
2004-03-11 07:40,10801,90992,00.html By Paul Roberts MARCH 10, 2004 IDG NEWS SERVICE One day after releasing a trio of security patches, Microsoft Corp....

GAO hits IT security at USDA, says improvements needed
2004-03-03 08:09,10801,90709,00.html By Todd R. Weiss MARCH 02, 2004 COMPUTERWORLD The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has "significant, pervasive...

Linux Gets Security Boost from NSA
2004-02-25 10:10 By Sean Michael Kerner February 24, 2004 Most stories about government deployments of Linux involve a distributor helping various federal...

RSA: Security vendors to build bridges at hot show
2004-02-24 07:50

Forwarded from: William Knowles,10801,90384,00.html By Paul Roberts FEBRUARY 23, 2004 Security is a hot topic in technology circles...