Security News
The online world is vast. Just follow these straightforward tips, which will make it harder for hackers, and keep you secure. Open wireless access points As you take a seat on the comfy leather so... By David Barkholz Automotive News March 9, 2015
Try ImmuniWeb now. ImmuniWeb combines automated assessment with manual penetration testing performed by experienced security experts. Recently reviewed in Help Net Security, ImmuniWeb guarantees ...
Here's an overview of some of last week's most interesting news, interviews and articles: A threat assessment of 7 million iOS and Android apps Android malware is growing more pervasive, and iOS...
The latest episode of our weekly security news video... ...all in just 60 seconds, as usual.
There's a new 3D-printable biodegradable thermoplastic: Pennsylvania State University researchers have synthesized a biodegradable thermoplastic that can be used for molding, extrusion, 3D...
Malware that arrives inside innocent-looking documents has taken a new turn recently. Graham Chantry of SophosLabs investigates...
Data and Goliath is a book about surveillance, both government and corporate. It's an exploration in three parts: what's happening, why it matters, and what to do about it. This is a big and...
U.S. federal prosecutors in Atlanta today unsealed indictments against two Vietnamese men and a Canadian citizen in connection with what's being called "one of the largest reported data breaches...
The US Federal Trade Commission has launched a pair of competitions to stimulate research into technological approaches to the problem of robocalls.