Security News

Mozilla revokes trust for CNNIC certificates (Help Net Security)
2015-04-03 09:29

Mozilla has joined Google in revoking trust for certificates issued by the China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC) Certificate Authority. CNNIC is the administrative agency responsible fo...

TrueCrypt security audit is good news,	so why all the glum faces?
2015-04-03 09:13 By Dan Goodin Ars Technica Apr 2, 2015

Boards must up their game before the hackers claim checkmate (Help Net Security)
2015-04-03 08:06

In today’s climate, the cyber security paradigm is a reactive cycle. When a threat is uncovered, it is examined and a counter-measure is created, with response times varying from weeks to years. Th...

Digital privacy and Internet security to intersect at Digital Rights Europe (Help Net Security)
2015-04-03 07:31

Digital Rights Ireland, Ireland's leading digital rights advocacy group, has gathered an expert group of Irish and international speakers for the inaugural Digital Rights Europe conference this April ...

Guidelines on the auditing framework for Trust Service Providers (Help Net Security)
2015-04-03 07:20

A new ENISA report provides guidelines on the auditing framework for Trust Service Providers (TSPs). These guidelines can be used by TSPs (preparing for audits) and Conformity Assessment Bodies (audit...