Security News
![Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Chair (Schneier on Security)](/static/build/img/news/alt/Data-Cybersecurity-Predictions-2-small.jpg)
Squid chair. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't covered....
![Leak claims Googles next-gen Nexus phone will pack an amazing 2K Samsung display (Yahoo Security)](/static/build/img/news/alt/hackers-statistics-small.jpg)
![Metasploit maker Rapid7 gobbles web app security testing firm (The Register)](/static/build/img/news/alt/web-statistics-small.jpg)
![Court declares NSA's domestic phone metadata collection program illegal (Help Net Security)](/static/build/img/news/alt/managed-security-small.jpg)
It took nearly two years, but three judges of a federal appeals court in New York have unanimously ruled that the bulk collection of telephone metadata associated with phone calls made by and to Ameri...
![UK Elections: Privacy, Security Impacts (InfoRiskToday)](/static/build/img/news/alt/cybercrime-statistics-small.jpg)
![Security Updates Coming for Adobe Reader, Acrobat (Threatpost)](/static/build/img/news/alt/hackers-statistics-small.jpg)
Adobe released pre-notification of security updates coming next week for its Reader and Acrobat products. The updates will address critical vulnerabilities in both products, Adobe said.
![To what extent companies digitally track our daily lives? (Help Net Security)](/static/build/img/news/alt/cybercrime-statistics-small.jpg)
Do you know how digitally collected information uncovers things about you which you would rather remained private? We're already living in the age of Big Data, and are on the very cusp of the age of t...
![GPU-based malware is real, say developers of PoC rootkit and keylogger (Help Net Security)](/static/build/img/news/alt/cybercrime-statistics-small.jpg)
Two yet unfinished coding projects by a group of developers that call themselves Team Jellyfish have received unexpected attention due to an Ars Technica article published on Thursday. The projects...
![How long is the wait? (Help Net Security)](/static/build/img/news/alt/cybercrime-statistics-small.jpg)
Does this question sound familiar? You have probably asked this question several times. Nobody likes to wait. But yet, we wait at restaurants, to see the doctor, and to get our hands on the latest coo...
![Product spotlight: Targeted threat intelligence from Solutionary (Help Net Security)](/static/build/img/news/alt/Data-Cybersecurity-Predictions-2-small.jpg)
As IT security threats have become more targeted to specific industries, organizations and even individuals, the need has arisen for threat intelligence that is tailored for individual organizations. ...