Security News

Researchers create searchable database of intelligence operators (Help Net Security)
2015-05-07 11:19

The researchers behind Transparency Toolkit, a venture whose goal is to develop source software to collect and analyze publicly available data on surveillance and human rights abuses, have released IC...

Company invokes DMCA to block researcher from disclosing flaws in its product (Help Net Security)
2015-05-06 10:17

Electronic lock maker CyberLock has attempted to prevent IOActive from releasing information about a host of security flaws they discovered in its product of the same name. Mike Davis, the IOActive...

Researchers, FBI Warn of Nepal Earthquake Scams (Threatpost)
2015-05-04 14:38

The earthquake that hit Nepal late last month has caused untold damage in the region and kicked off a massive relief and aid effort. Attackers are loathe to let a chance like that go by, and they...