Security News

Week in review: Linux ransomware, university researchers unmask Tor users, and how one man changed the way we understand SSL (Help Net Security)
2015-11-16 07:35

Here's an overview of some of last week's most interesting news and articles: Ivan Ristic and SSL Labs: How one man changed the way we understand SSL "When I originally came with the idea of SSL...

Researchers Discover Two New Strains of POS Malware (Threatpost)
2015-11-13 14:30

Two new and different strains of point of sale malware have come to light, including one that’s gone largely undetected for the past five years.

Researchers hack Vizio Smart TVs to access home network (Help Net Security)
2015-11-12 14:10

Not only do Vizio's Smart TVs track users' viewing habits by default (and that information is sold to third parties who can then use it to deliver targeted ads to other internet-connected devices that...

Tor Project claims FBI paid university researchers $1m to unmask Tor users (Help Net Security)
2015-11-12 10:43

Have Carnegie Mellon University researchers been paid by the FBI to unmask a subset of Tor users so that the agents could discover who operated Silk Road 2.0 and other criminal suspects on the dark we...