Security News,10801,77462,00.html By CAROL SLIWA JANUARY 13, 2003 Computerworld Grades ranged from B+ to D- when Computerworld asked IT...,4125,NAV47_STO67092,00.html By DAN VERTON January 04, 2002 An obscure report issued Dec. 21 by the Canadian Office of Critical Infrastructure Protection and... The Associated Press WASHINGTON (May 22, 2001 09:04 p.m. EDT) - Security experts will tell Congress on Wednesday that the agency...

Forwarded by: Anonymous,1199,NAV47_STO54703,00.html By DAN VERTON AND MATT HAMBLEN December 04, 2000 Representatives from more than a dozen critical... The State Commission of Investigation and the Attorney General of New Jersey have released a joint report on Computer Crime. The files are all in PDF format. Enjoy!...

[While some here on ISN will think this is on the razors edge of information security, I like to remind people that the Chinese Peoples Liberation Army are spending lots of time and money...