Security News

Microsoft's Report Card
2003-01-14 07:00,10801,77462,00.html By CAROL SLIWA JANUARY 13, 2003 Computerworld Grades ranged from B+ to D- when Computerworld asked IT...

Report warns of al-Qaeda's potential cybercapabilities
2002-01-07 07:34,4125,NAV47_STO67092,00.html By DAN VERTON January 04, 2002 An obscure report issued Dec. 21 by the Canadian Office of Critical Infrastructure Protection and...

Congress to hear status report on Medicare's computer security
2001-05-23 06:50 The Associated Press WASHINGTON (May 22, 2001 09:04 p.m. EDT) - Security experts will tell Congress on Wednesday that the agency...

Report finds progress in cybersecurity in private sector
2000-12-07 09:23

Forwarded by: Anonymous,1199,NAV47_STO54703,00.html By DAN VERTON AND MATT HAMBLEN December 04, 2000 Representatives from more than a dozen critical...

New Jersey State Report on Computer Crime
2000-08-13 08:38 The State Commission of Investigation and the Attorney General of New Jersey have released a joint report on Computer Crime. The files are all in PDF format. Enjoy!...

Annual Report to Congress on the Military Power of the              Peoples              Republic of China.
2000-06-26 23:44

[While some here on ISN will think this is on the razors edge of information security, I like to remind people that the Chinese Peoples Liberation Army are spending lots of time and money...