Security News

Why your security camera footage could be at risk in a ransomware attack
2018-06-06 16:27

There's more at risk during a ransomware attack than you think-images, videos, and other media could be targeted as well.

Banking trojans, not ransomware, are the biggest threat to the enterprise now
2018-06-01 15:01

The first months of 2018 saw more cyberattacks using Trojans and social engineering, according to Proofpoint. Here's how to protect your organization.

Have you heard about ransomware? Now's the time to ask: Are you covered?
2018-05-30 08:34

Cyber-insurance gig to be worth $14bn by 2022 Every industry has its collection of shocking stories, but Britain's cyber-insurance sector can always be relied on to top the lot.…

Is Cryptojacking Replacing Ransomware as the Next Big Threat?
2018-05-24 12:22

Monitoring cyberthreats over time reveals interesting insights into the strategies used by cybercriminals and the evolution of the attack vectors they target. While the threat landscape continues...

Fighting ransomware with network segmentation as a path to resiliency
2018-05-22 13:31

Recent cybersecurity events involving the use of ransomware (WannaCry and similar variants) represent the latest examples highlighting the need for organizations to not only take an initial hit,...

Organisations across the UK are still struggling with ransomware
2018-05-11 11:45

A year after the WannaCry ransomware attack impacted an estimated 200,000 victims, new research has revealed that organisations across the UK are still struggling to deal with ransomware. Webroot...

GandCrab Ransomware Found Hiding on Legitimate Websites
2018-05-10 20:23

The GandCrab ransomware continues to virulently spread and adapt to shifting cyber-conditions, most recently crawling back into relevance on the back of several large-scale spam campaigns.

Crabby Ransomware Nests In Compromised Websites
2018-05-10 12:03

Cisco Warns Of Dangers of Running Vulnerable Web ApplicationsThe Gandcrab ransomware has been a moving target. Since it was discovered in January, it quickly became one of the most widely...

SynAck Ransomware Uses Process Doppelgänging for Evasion
2018-05-07 16:56

SynAck has become the first ransomware family to leverage the read more

First-Ever Ransomware Found Using ‘Process Doppelgänging’ Attack to Evade Detection
2018-05-07 12:32

Security researchers have spotted the first-ever ransomware exploiting Process Doppelgänging, a new fileless code injection technique that could help malware evade detection. The Process...