Security News

Recent App Issues Reveal Facebook’s Struggles to Temper Data Privacy Woes
2018-08-23 15:57

Facebook has been struggling to keep its data privacy woes at bay this week, between banning apps on its social media platform - and pulling its own app from Apple's store.

Adblocking and browser privacy can be bypassed, researchers find
2018-08-20 10:34

Virtually every desktop browser and adblocker can have its ad-tracking privacy or security bypassed by at least one software technique, a new study has found.

Et tu Bruté? Then fail, Caesars: When it's hotel staff, not the hackers, invading folks' privacy
2018-08-20 06:08

El Reg vulture's take on the upset at this year's Black Hat and DEF CON Comment The hacking world's summer camp has ended. The last of the Black Hat USA, BSides Las Vegas, and DEF CON attendees...

3 sets of G Suite security and privacy settings every admin should review
2018-08-15 15:45

As Google Drive, Team Drives, and G Suite evolve, G Suite administrators may choose to configure security and privacy settings to meet a wide range of customer preferences.

Google Services Track User Movements In Privacy Faux Pas
2018-08-14 17:04

A recent report found that Google services - with functions like checking maps, the weather, and search - are tracking users even when they deny permission.

New Privacy Issues for Amazon
2018-08-10 10:02

An analysis of the privacy issues Amazon will face as it dives deeper into the healthcare business leads the latest edition of the ISMG Security Report. Also featured: A preview of ISMG's Security...

Android Pie: Security and privacy changes
2018-08-07 15:36

It is official: “Android P” is Android Pie, and it comes with a variety of new capabilities and security and privacy changes. The newest version (9.0) of the popular mobile OS introduces a new...

Mozilla faces resistance over DNS privacy test
2018-08-07 12:26

Is Mozilla’s enthusiasm for DNS-over-HTTPS getting out of hand?

Amazon's Healthcare Expansion: Analyzing Privacy Concerns
2018-08-06 20:02

As Amazon expands its activities in healthcare, include a high-profile venture into the pharmacy business, the online retail giant will face a wide variety of important privacy issues, attorneys...

Consumer DNA Testing Takes a Step Towards Privacy, Transparency
2018-08-03 19:50

Ancestry, MyHeritage and others have committed to a policy framework for the collection, protection, sharing and use of consumer genetic data.