Security News

Ireland's Privacy Watchdog Probes Facebook Data Breaches
2018-12-17 13:48

6.8 Million Users' Private Photos Exposed, Triggering GDPR InvestigationIreland's privacy watchdog is probing data breaches at Facebook that exposed users' private data. In the latest breach to be...

NICE announces Engage 6.12 providing capabilities for compliance and privacy
2018-12-12 02:30

NICE released its Engage platform version 6.12, comprising features to investigate and prevent violations of privacy related regulations. The latest version focuses on boosting the efficiency of...

Facebook Fined $11.3M for Privacy Violations
2018-12-11 22:19

Italy's regulator found the social giant guilty of misleading consumers as to what it does with their data.

Data Privacy Issues Trigger Soul Searching in Tech Industry
2018-12-11 18:51

Consumers are growing angry when it comes to data misuse - but the real change will need to come from the tech industry's culture when it comes to privacy.

Privacy, security fears about ID cards?'s digital bod has one simple solution: 'Get over it'
2018-12-10 13:20

Yeah, how about you work for us... Digital minister Margot James reckons Brits need to "get over" their concerns about privacy and cyber security and let the government assign them with ID cards.…

Not all data collection is evil: Don’t let privacy scandals stall cybersecurity
2018-12-10 08:30

Facebook continues to be criticized for its data collection practices. The media is hammering Google over how it handles data. JPMorgan Chase & Company was vilified for using Palantir software to...

Google ASPIRE to Boost Android Security and Privacy
2018-12-06 16:32

Google is stepping up its effort to improve the security and privacy of Android with a new initiative called ASPIRE (Android Security and PrIvacy REsearch).  read more

Data is Currency. Treat it That Way to Strengthen Privacy
2018-12-06 14:55

It has been six months since General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) went into effect and interest in data privacy has never been higher. The trend will continue, and organizations must realize...

Measuring privacy operations: Use of technology on the rise
2018-12-06 06:15

Critical privacy program activities such as creating data inventories, conducting data protection impact assessments (DPIA), and managing data subject access rights requests (DSAR) are now well...

White House Facial Recognition Pilot Raises Privacy Alarms
2018-12-05 19:34

The facial recognition pilot will identify “subjects of interest" around the White House.