Security News

TechRepublic Premium Hiring kit: GDPR data protection compliance officer The European Union's General Data Protection Regulation requires every business enterprise and public authority that collects personal data from EU customers and clients to protect that data from unauthorized access. Finding ideal candidates for the GDPR data protection compliance officer position will require thorough vetting, and potential candidates may be difficult to find.

This policy from TechRepublic Premium will help you create security guidelines for devices that transport and store data. The IT department will be responsible for implementing, adhering to and maintaining these controls.

In this Help Net Security video interview, Or Weis, Co-Founder and CEO of, discusses an innovative approach to managing permissions and access control within applications. We will explore policy as code and how it addresses organizations' challenges in managing access control effectively.

TechRepublic Premium Mobile device security policy PURPOSE This Mobile Device Security Policy from TechRepublic Premium provides guidelines for mobile device security needs in order to protect businesses and their employees. This policy can be customized as needed to fit the needs of your organization.

TechRepublic Premium Comparison guide: Top enterprise collaboration tools PURPOSE Some of the most important tools in business are used for collaboration. Without these types of solutions, your staff would struggle to remain as productive as needed.

TechRepublic Premium Comparison guide: Top enterprise collaboration tools PURPOSE Some of the most important tools in business are used for collaboration. Without these types of solutions, your staff would struggle to remain as productive as needed.

TechRepublic Premium Electronic communication policy This policy from TechRepublic Premium provides guidelines for the appropriate use of electronic communications. It covers topics such as privacy, confidentiality and security; ensures electronic communications resources are used for appropriate purposes; informs employees regarding the applicability of laws and company policies to electronic communications; and prevents disruptions to and misuse of company electronic communications .....

TechRepublic Premium Business continuity policy PURPOSE The purpose of this policy is to provide guidelines for establishing and following appropriate business continuity requirements. This policy can be customized as needed to fit the needs of your organization.

TechRepublic Premium Risk management policy SUMMARY Risk management involves the practice of addressing and handling threats to the organization in the form of cybersecurity attacks and compromised or lost data. The process of establishing appropriate risk management guidelines is critical to ensure company operations and reputation do not suffer adverse impacts.

TechRepublic Premium Offshore work policy It's common practice for companies to use offshore employees or contractors in order to offload work to specialized individuals or reduce costs associated with certain tasks and responsibilities. This can free up staff to focus on more complex and valuable initiatives, and also ensure 24×7 operations for companies which rely upon on-call staff and subject-matter .....