Security News

Brands increasingly targeted by false websites and phishing (Help Net Security)
2017-05-03 15:14

DomainTools released the names of the top U.S.-based retail companies whose brands are frequently abused by criminals creating look-alike domains for phishing. The research surfaced multiple...

Phishing attacks responsible for three-quarters of all malware (Help Net Security)
2017-04-25 15:46

With phishing now widely used as a mechanism for distributing ransomware, a new NTT Security reveals that 77% of all detected ransomware globally was in four main sectors – business & professional...

Webroot 'mistakenly' flags Windows as Malware and Facebook as Phishing site (The Hackers News)
2017-04-25 03:38

Popular antivirus service Webroot mistakenly flagged core Windows system files as malicious and even started temporarily removing some of the legit files, trashing user computers around the world....

Skype Fixes ‘SPYKE’ Credential Phishing Remote Execution Bug (Threatpost)
2017-04-21 20:00

Microsoft fixed a bug in Skype last month that could have allowed an attacker to execute code on the system it was running on, phish Skype credentials and crash the application.

Google Fixes Unicode Phishing Vulnerability in Chrome 58, Firefox Standing Pat (Threatpost)
2017-04-20 18:32

Google fixed a vulnerability that could've let an attacker carry out phishing attacks with Unicode domains in Chrome but Mozilla is holding off - for now.