Security News

Digital Destruction Was Worst Imaginable
2002-03-05 08:21

Forwarded from: William Knowles,1199,NAV47-68-84-91_STO68762,00.html By DAN VERTON March 04, 2002 Washington - For several tense hours on Sept. 11, the...

New University of Illinois Center Focuses on Information Security
2002-03-04 09:50

Forwarded from: William Knowles February 27, 2002 10:00 By Jeff Meredith CHICAGO - Information security has gained a newfound urgency the...

Energy firms move to thwart cyberattacks
2002-02-27 08:20,4125,NAV47_STO68585,00.html By MICHAEL MEEHAN February 25, 2002 Energy industry giants are preparing to make a major push into the information-sharing arena,...

Q&A with ICANN's security chairman, Stephen Crocker
2002-02-26 07:14,4125,NAV47_STO68514,00.html By PATRICK THIBODEAU February 22, 2002 The software that runs the Internet's addressing system that helps make Web commerce and...

Profitable privacy
2002-02-22 08:53,4125,NAV47_STO68354,00.html By PATRICK THIBODEAU February 18, 2002 Privacy is an important part of Royal Bank Financial Group's customer relationship...

Biatchux Bootable Forensics CD
2002-02-22 08:53 Biatchux is a portable bootable cdrom based distribution capable of providing an immediate environment for performing forensics analysis, incident response, data...

Privacy Enhancing Technologies 2002
2002-02-22 08:50

Privacy Enhancing Technologies 2002 April 14-15, 2002 San Francisco, CA Call for Participation Registration for Privacy Enhancing Technologies 2002 is now open. Details and online registration can...

Lockstep repairs hacked Web sites with WebAgain
2002-02-20 08:17,4125,NAV47_STO68450,00.html By SAM COSTELLO IDG NEWS SERVICE February 19, 2002 Lockstep Systems Inc. Tuesday announced a new version of its WebAgain...

Tinfoil Hat Linux
2002-02-20 08:16 What is Tinfoil Hat Linux? It started as a secure, single floppy, bootable Linux distribution for storing PGP keys and then encrypting, signing and wiping files. At...

Virus Responsible for Gates Security Memo
2002-02-20 08:10

Forwarded from: R. A. Hettinga Thursday January 17 10:53 PM EST Virus Responsible for Gates Security Memo By Brian Briggs Redmond, WA - An...