Security News,4125,NAV47_STO70587,00.html By DAN VERTON April 26, 2002 Federal officials and experts from the private sector have started the long-awaited process of...,,10_1024491,00.html By Bob Woods April 29, 2002 Users of America Online's instant-messaging program and system were unwittingly connected to...

+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Weekly Newsletter | | April 29th, 2002 Volume 3, Number 17n | | | | Editorial Team: Dave Wreski dave ()...

Forwarded from: William Knowles BLINDING THE ENEMY: The nation's new information warfare unit debuted during the latest military...,,10_1014151,00.html By Bob Woods April 23, 2002 Attention AOL AIM users -- you've got a pushy program. The installation process of AIM on a PC... MOSCOW (April 22, 2002 7:34 p.m. EDT) - Two leaders of a hackers' group that manipulated cash machines in Moscow to make off with...

Forwarded from: William Knowles,,10_1013341,00.html April 22, 2002 By Jim Wagner The U.S. Space and Naval Ware Systems Command was defaced Monday...

+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Linux Advisory Watch | | April 19th, 2002 Volume 3, Number 16a |...

Forwarded from: Richard Forno Microsoft is the master of vagueness and vaporware. Does anyone really know what "Trustworthy Computing" is? (Trustworthy for who? Microsoft, the users, or...

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