Security News

2003 viruses caused $55B damage, antivirus firm says
2004-01-19 06:52,10801,89138,00.html Story by Jennifer Tan JANUARY 16, 2004 REUTERS Computer virus attacks cost global businesses an estimated $55...

Tin Stars in the Sky
2004-01-19 06:46 BY JOE BRANCATELLI January 15, 2004 JBrancatelli () aol com This has been on my mind a lot since September 11th, but it took the events at...

Researcher for whom exploit code means freedom of speech
2004-01-16 14:04

Forwarded from: William Knowles By Sam Varghese January 15, 2004 Georgi Guninski is a man who is respected on vulnerability mailing...

Computer containing airline ticketing info stolen
2004-01-15 11:30,10801,89062,00.html Story by Linda Rosencrance JANUARY 14, 2004 COMPUTERWORLD Airlines Reporting Corp. (ARC), an airline-owned...

Critical flaws found in VoIP products using H.323 protocol
2004-01-14 11:55,10801,89041,00.html Story by Jaikumar Vijayan JANUARY 13, 2004 COMPUTERWORLD Several critical vulnerabilities have been discovered in...

New Trojan masquerades as Windows XP update
2004-01-12 08:14,10801,88940,00.html Story by Paul Roberts JANUARY 09, 2004 IDG NEWS SERVICE Security companies are warning Internet users about a new...

Japanese IT businesses turn to Gods to ward off viruses, hackers
2004-01-07 12:33 07 January 2004 TOKYO: The new year in Japan is a time for fresh starts and spiritual cleansing for not only the residents...

The future of security
2003-12-31 09:11,10801,88646,00.html By Scott Berinato DECEMBER 30, 2003 CIO MAGAZINE Scenario One After the Storm, Reform There's no need to imagine a...

Cyber blackmail wave targets office workers
2003-12-30 15:31,10801,88623,00.html By Bernhard Warner DECEMBER 29, 2003 REUTERS Cyber blackmail artists are shaking down office workers, threatening...

Romania tackles rise in cyber-crime
2003-12-29 10:10 By Clark Boyd 27 December, 2003 The Friday night scene in the bar at Bucharest's Polytechnic University is a lot like any other college bar scene....