Security News

DeepSec 2013 - Call for Papers
2013-04-17 06:22

Forwarded from: DeepSec Conference DeepSec 2013 "Seven Seas" - Call for Papers Dear Researchers, Hackers, Developers, dear Members of the IT-Security Community: This is our call for papers for...

Will New Hires Impede Future Security?
2013-04-17 06:21 By Eric Chabrow Bank Info Security April 16, 2013

Three simple steps to determine risk tolerance
2013-04-17 06:14 By Craig Shumard CSO April 16, 2013

Oracle slaps critical patch on insecure Java
2013-04-17 06:07 By Jack Clark in San Francisco The Register 17th April 2013

Hackers Attack N.Korean Websites Again
2013-04-17 06:03 The Chosun Ilbo April 17, 2013

The Boston Marathon Bombing: Keep Calm and Carry On
2013-04-16 06:10 By Bruce Schneier The Atlantic April 15, 2013

Hagel nixes medal for drone pilots, cyberwarriors
2013-04-16 06:09 By Kristina Wong The Washington Times April 15, 2013

Hacker celeb 'Mudge' joins Google after DARPA
2013-04-16 06:09 By Seth Rosenblatt Security & Privacy CNET News April 15, 2013

New security protection, fixes for 39 exploitable bugs coming to Java
2013-04-16 06:09 By Dan Goodin Ars Technica Apr 15 2013

MI5 warns UK universities of cyber-attack threat
2013-04-15 09:23 By John E Dunn Techworld 11 April 2013