Security News

The NSA's 2014 Media Engagement and Outreach Plan (Schneier on Security)
2017-08-30 11:15

Interesting post-Snowden reading, just declassified. (U) External Communication will address at least one of "fresh look" narratives: (U) NSA does not access everything. (U) NSA does not collect...

New Snowden Leak Exposes NSA's Spying Hub in Australia (The Hackers News)
2017-08-20 10:00

The new documents leaked by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden has exposed a United States secretive facility located near a remote town in Australia's Northern Territory for covertly monitoring...

Cyberspies Are Using Leaked NSA Hacking Tools to Spy On Hotels Guests (The Hackers News)
2017-08-11 08:54

An infamous Russian-linked cyber-espionage group has been found re-using the same leaked NSA hacking tool that was deployed in the WannaCry and NotPetya outbreaks—this time to target Wi-Fi...

Splitting the NSA and US Cyber Command (Schneier on Security)
2017-08-03 11:29

Rumor is that the Trump administration will separate the NSA and US Cyber Command. I have long thought this was a good idea. Here's a good discussion of what it does and doesn't mean....

NSA Collects MS Windows Error Information (Schneier on Security)
2017-08-01 11:00

Back in 2013, Der Spiegel reported that the NSA intercepts and collects Windows bug reports: One example of the sheer creativity with which the TAO spies approach their work can be seen in a...

Zero-Day Vulnerabilities against Windows in the NSA Tools Released by the Shadow Brokers (Schneier on Security)
2017-07-28 11:16

In April, the Shadow Brokers -- presumably Russia -- released a batch of Windows exploits from what is presumably the NSA. Included in that release were eight different Windows vulnerabilities....

More on the NSA's Use of Traffic Shaping (Schneier on Security)
2017-07-12 11:32

"Traffic shaping" -- the practice of tricking data to flow through a particular route on the Internet so it can be more easily surveiled -- is an NSA technique that has gotten much less attention...

No evidence NotPetya developers obtained NSA exploits weeks before their public leak (ArsTechnica)
2017-06-30 14:13

Evidence ties people behind massive malware attack to mysterious Shadow Brokers group.

'Shadow Brokers' Threaten to Dox Former NSA Hacker (Security Week)
2017-06-28 13:38

The Shadow Brokers has sent out its first round of exploits and data as part of a recently announced monthly subscription service, and the group claims it has a significant number of subscribers. read more

'Shadow Brokers' Threatens to Unmask A Hacker Who Worked With NSA (The Hackers News)
2017-06-28 01:07

The Shadow Brokers, a notorious hacking group that leaked US cyberweapons — which were also abused by the recent ransomware disasters WannaCry and Petya or NotPetya — has now threatened to unmask...