Security News
We're going entirely on deduction here, but our iPhone seems to be handling "messages of death" more safely after we updated to iOS 11.4.
We updated to IOs 11.4, because that's our habit - but Apple still isn't saying what was fixed yet. How we wish Apple wouldn't do that!
The release of iOS 11.4 brings new features, bug fixes, and small improvements. Here are the ones that stand out for professionals.
Analysis shows that the malware, previously a banking trojan focused on Android devices, has rapidly evolved just in the past month.
Widespread routers' DNS hijacking malware that recently found targeting Android devices has now been upgraded its capabilities to target iOS devices as well as desktop users. Dubbed Roaming...
It's got a name, a logo and some very big numbers, but does it deserve its star billing?
It's got a name, a logo and some very big numbers, but does it deserve its star billing?
After 7 days if there's no passcode, then there's no access.
Apple recently updated its App Store Review Guidelines to ban sharing data with third parties.
In a change possibly targeted at law enforcement, Apple is changing iOS to disable the USB port after a device is idle for seven days, and only a user unlock can reverse it.