Security News

Beware the trusted insider Webcast If you like true crime stories, you already know that at the end the criminal is usually revealed to be someone the victim knew well.…

Over the past years, China Telecom has been constantly misdirecting Internet traffic through China, researchers say. read more

Comodo Dome Shield Platinum, the cloud-delivered, DNS-based SaaS solution allows organizations to protect users’ digital presence by blocking access to harmful websites that other measures do not...

Malicious actors could cause serious damage to organizations in the energy and water sectors by targeting their human-machine interfaces (HMIs), according to a report released by Trend Micro on...

Researchers claim that unusual BGP routing changes are actually man-in-the-middle surveillance.

This seems bad: The F25 software was found to contain a capture replay vulnerability -- basically an attacker would be able to eavesdrop on radio transmissions between the crane and the...

Recorded Future has published a series of analyses on North Korea's most senior leadership's use of the internet. As the last report of the series, it demonstrates how adaptable this leadership...

Shotgun Attacks Target Default Username/Password Combinations via TelnetTwo years after Mirai botnets first appeared, security researchers say telnet-targeting botnets are attempting to compromise...

This is crazy (and dangerous). West Virginia is allowing people to vote via a smart-phone app. Even crazier, the app uses blockchain -- presumably because they have no idea what the security...

A10 Networks launched the A10 Thunder 7445 Threat Protection System (Thunder TPS), the performance 1 rack unit (RU) and density of throughput per RU appliance. Now cloud, Internet and gaming...