Security News

Intel wheels out new face authentication product that works a lot like Apple's FaceID
2021-01-07 15:45

Intel has gingerly dipped a toe into the face-based authentication market with the launch of its RealSense ID product. In terms of security, Chipzilla has made some bold claims, stating RealSense ID has a one-in-one-million false acceptance rate and can withstand the usual attempts to circumvent face-based authentication tools, like masks and photographs, with - according to its RealSense webpage - a spoof acceptance rate of less than 0.1 per cent.

New year, new rant: Linus Torvalds rails at Intel for 'killing' the ECC industry
2021-01-04 14:00

Linux creator Linus Torvalds has accused Intel of preventing widespread use of error-correcting memory and being "Instrumental in killing the whole ECC industry with its horribly bad market segmentation." Cost is a factor but what riles Torvalds is that Intel has made ECC support a feature of its Xeon range, aimed at servers and high-end workstations, and does not support it in other ranges such as the Core series.

Ransomware masterminds claim to have nabbed 53GB of data from Intel's Habana Labs
2020-12-14 20:24

The Pay2Key ransomware group on Sunday posted what appear to be details of internal files obtained from Habana Labs, an Israel-based chip startup acquired a year ago by Intel. The hacking group, which has been linked to Iranians by security firm Check Point, published a screenshot of source code credited to Habana Labs via Twitter, alongside a link to a Tor Browser-accessible.

Intel's Habana Labs hacked by Pay2Key ransomware, data stolen
2020-12-13 13:19

Intel-owned AI processor developer Habana Labs has suffered a cyberattack where data was stolen and leaked by threat actors. Today, the Pay2Key ransomware operation leaked data allegedly stolen from Habana Labs during a cyberattack.

Intel unveils Horse Ridge II, a cryogenic quantum control chip
2020-12-07 01:15

Intel unveiled Horse Ridge II, its second-generation cryogenic control chip, marking another milestone in the company's progress toward overcoming scalability, one of quantum computing's biggest hurdles. Building on innovations in the first-generation Horse Ridge controller introduced in 2019, Horse Ridge II supports enhanced capabilities and higher levels of integration for elegant control of the quantum system.

Crooks posing as COVID-19 'cold chain' company phished EU for vaccine intel, says IBM
2020-12-03 18:05

An unidentified group of malicious sorts impersonated a so-called "Cold chain" company involved in COVID-19 vaccine distribution networks then targeted an EU governmental agency, according to IBM. Infosec researchers from Big Blue's X-Force threat intelligence unit "Uncovered targets across multiple industries, governments and global partners" involved in setting up the vaccine cold chain, it said in a blog post today. The phishing campaign's operators reportedly posed as an executive from the Chinese arm of Haier Biomedical, a business IBM described as "a credible and legitimate member company of the COVID-19 vaccine supply chain and qualified supplier for the CCEOP program."

Intel driver updates fix Windows 10 BSODs, Bluetooth issues
2020-12-03 08:32

Intel has released updated Wireless Bluetooth and Wi-Fi drivers for Windows 10 customers to address known issues causing blue screen of death errors and Bluetooth devices to lose connection or stop working. First of all, the new drivers address Windows 10 stop errors, yellow bang warnings in Device Manager, as well as random disconnections while playing online videos caused by Intel Wireless adapters with faulty drivers.

Microsoft brings its on-die Pluton security processor to Intel, AMD CPUs
2020-11-17 09:00

Microsoft is integrating its Pluton security processor directly into Intel, AMD, and Qualcomm CPUs to better secure Windows PCs. Windows 10 gains enhanced security by utilizing specialized chips called Trusted Platform Modules to provide hardware-based security functions. Microsoft is now partnering with Intel, AMD, and Qualcomm to introduce the Pluton security processor as an on-die chip in their CPUs.

VoltPillager: New Hardware-Based Voltage Manipulation Attack Against Intel SGX
2020-11-16 19:05

A group of researchers from the University of Birmingham has devised a new attack that can break the confidentiality and integrity of Intel Software Guard Extensions enclaves through controlling the CPU core voltage. The attack relies on VoltPillager, "a low-cost tool for injecting messages on the Serial Voltage Identification bus between the CPU and the voltage regulator on the motherboard," and can be used to fault security-critical operations.

Researchers break Intel SGX by creating $30 device to control CPU voltage
2020-11-16 05:30

Researchers at the University of Birmingham have managed to break Intel SGX, a set of security functions used by Intel processors, by creating a $30 device to control CPU voltage. Break Intel SGX. The work follows a 2019 project, in which an international team of researchers demonstrated how to break Intel's security guarantees using software undervolting.