Security News

Cloud Status: Free app for cloud infrastructure monitoring (Help Net Security)
2016-03-15 14:00

Server Density released a new free iOS app that enables you to stay up to date with the service status from key cloud providers. The Cloud Status app sends you notifications when cloud providers...

OnionDog APT targets the infrastructure industry (Help Net Security)
2016-03-09 15:33

The Helios Team at 360 SkyEye Labs recently revealed that a group named OnionDog has been infiltrating and stealing information from the energy, transportation and other infrastructure industries...

Five-Year ‘Dust Storm’ APT Campaign Targets Japanese Critical Infrastructure (Threatpost)
2016-02-24 19:11

A five-year campaign focused on extracting sensitive information from Japanese oil, gas, and electric utilities through multiple backdoors was outlined by researchers on Wednesday.

Japanese critical infrastructure under targeted attack (Help Net Security)
2016-02-24 14:30

Cylance revealed a multi-year, multi-attack campaign against the Japanese critical infrastructure. Their research uncovers how a well-organized and well-funded threat group, likely associated with...