Security News

New infosec products of the week: March 20, 2020
2020-03-20 06:00

HYAS Insight lets analysts connect specific attack instances and campaigns to billions of historical and real-time indicators of compromise faster than ever before, bringing invaluable new intelligence and visibility to security efforts. Contrast Security announced Route Intelligence, a major new capability for application security.

Check Point chap: Small firms don't invest in infosec then hope they won't get hacked. Spoiler alert: They get hacked
2020-03-09 10:00

Far from being depressed, Wiley was expressing the forlorn hope that infosec as a field would be less dominated by malicious persons trying to make a fast buck by scamming honest folk and businesses out of their hard-earned money. As Check Point's incident response head honcho, Wiley has full visibility into what the infosec company's operations involve.

GCHQ's infosec arm has 3 simple tips to secure those insecure smart home gadgets
2020-03-03 15:30

Britain's National Cyber Security Centre wants owners of baby monitors and smart CCTV cameras to take some basic security precautions. Keep your camera secure by regularly updating security software.

Keen to check for 'abnormal' user behaviours? Microsoft talks insider risk, AWS imports and compliance at infosec shindig RSA
2020-02-20 14:35

RSA As IBM's crew cancels their hotel rooms, Microsoft's infosec staffers are still set to attend the decades-old RSA conference and pulled the covers off a raft of security releases and previews for the event today. We spoke to Microsoft 365 Senior Director, Alym Rayani, about compliance and insider risk at last year's Ignite event.

$2.07bn? That's one Dell of a deal offloads infosec biz RSA
2020-02-18 17:30

Dell Technologies is flogging its infosec business RSA for $2.075bn as it tries to reduce its longstanding debt. "The transaction will further simplify our business and product portfolio. It also allows Dell Technologies to focus on our strategy to build automated and intelligent security into infrastructure, platforms and devices to keep data safe, protected and resilient."

New infosec products of the week: February 14, 2020
2020-02-14 06:30

Farsight Security enhances its Security Information Exchange data-sharing platform. Farsight Security announced enhancements to its Security Information Exchange data-sharing platform to help security professionals measurably improve the prevention, detection and response of the latest cyberattacks.

What the government infosec landscape will look this year
2020-02-10 06:00

The first is that bad actors will target voter registration systems with the intent to generate voting havoc and trigger voter fraud alerts. Security researchers have proven many times over that voting machines are hackable, but most of them don't expect threat actors to expend the vast amount of time and resources needed to successfully hack the 2020 presidential election voting results directly.

New infosec products of the week: February 7, 2020
2020-02-07 06:30

DigiCert launches two new PKI tools to provide fast, flexible PKI deployment. These new offerings are built on the DigiCert ONE platform, which delivers end-to-end centralized user and device certificate management for a variety of deployment models and PKI use cases.

Remember those infosec fellas who were cuffed while testing the physical security of a courthouse? The burglary charges have been dropped
2020-01-31 20:39

Criminal charges have been dropped against two infosec professionals who were arrested during a sanctioned physical penetration test gone wrong. On Thursday, the Des Moines Register - no relation - reported that a judge in Dallas County, Iowa, formally dismissed the third-degree burglary and possession of burglary tools allegations against Coalfire employees Gary DeMercurio and Justin Wynn.

Attempts to define international infosec rules of the road bogged down by endless talkshops, warn diplomats
2020-01-31 11:08

International progress on state-level so-called cybersecurity "Norms" is hopelessly bogged down in an explosion of NGOs and internal United Nations rivalries between two overlapping groups, a French security conference heard this week. Not only are there two overlapping United Nations groups tasked with defining international cybersecurity norms, but even agreed declarations are ignored because nobody notices what the UN comes up with on cybersecurity, diplomats complained.