Security News

NATO Takes Huawei Security Concerns Seriously: Stoltenberg
2019-03-15 06:06

Security concerns about the role of Huawei in Western 5G telecom infrastructure are to be taken seriously, the head of NATO said Thursday, as Washington steps up pressure on Europe not to use the...

Germany to Consult US Over Huawei Security Fears: Merkel
2019-03-12 15:33

German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Tuesday Berlin would consult Washington over using technology made by China's Huawei in future mobile phone networks, following reports of US threats to reduce...

China's Huawei Sues US Over Federal Ban on Its Products
2019-03-07 05:41

Tech giant Huawei on Thursday opened a legal front in its counter-offensive against US warnings that it could aid Chinese intelligence services, filing suit to overturn a US law that bars federal...

Huawei Opens Brussels Security Lab in Bid to Reassure EU
2019-03-05 18:12

Chinese tech company Huawei on Tuesday opened a cybersecurity lab in Brussels, the heart of the European Union, as it tries to win over government leaders and fight back U.S. allegations that its...

Huawei opens Brussels code-check office: Hey! EU've got our guide – love Huawei
2019-03-05 12:17

Here I stand, infosec in hand... Belgium, we're here to stay Huawei stopped fighting metaphorical fires today to lift the curtain on its Brussels Cyber Security Transparency Centre in a move to...

Up up and Huawei in my beautiful buffoon: Trump sparks panic by tying tech kit ban, charges to China trade negotiations
2019-02-26 22:05

National security, sanctions allegations, pfft, you don't understand the art of the deal Efforts to pressure the White House into banning Huawei hardware from America's networks may have backfired.…

Huawei Says US Has 'No Evidence' of 5G Spying Allegations
2019-02-26 13:13

Huawei's chairman said Tuesday that the United States has "no evidence" that its equipment to build next-generation 5G wireless networks could be used as a vehicle for Chinese spy operations. read more

Trustonic and Huawei introduce multi-TEE security platform for mobile app developers
2019-02-26 00:35

Mobile cyber security leader Trustonic announced that it will expand support to include Huawei’s Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) on its mobile application security platform, Trustonic...

Jeez, what a Huawei to go: Now US senators want Chinese kit ripped out of national leccy grid
2019-02-25 20:44

Red scare reaches new heights as intel committee urges further crackdown on network-connected gear Equipment made by Chinese electronics giant Huawei could be torn out of America's electrical...

As US Pushes to Ban Huawei, UK Considers Softer Approach
2019-02-20 18:19

Britain can handle the security risks involved with using mobile networks made by China's Huawei, the cybersecurity chief said Wednesday, adding to a growing debate among countries on whether the...