Security News

Hacking Back
2017-10-23 11:16

Hacking back is a terrible idea that just will not die. Josephine Wolff takes apart the new hacking back bill that was introduced in the House recently....

Learn Ethical Hacking — Get 8 Online Courses For Just $29
2017-10-17 06:27

With the rise in cyber-crimes, ethical hacking has become a powerful strategy in the fight against online threats. In general terms, ethical hackers are authorised to break into supposedly...

Will Kaspersky Lab Survive the Russia Hacking Scandal?
2017-10-12 13:33

Analysis: If RSA's NSA Scandal Is a Guide, Russian Anti-Virus Firm Will SurviveIt's a tale that reads stranger than fiction, a true Tom Clancy-ish yarn: Israeli spies hacked Kaspersky Lab,...

Israel Hacked Kaspersky, Caught Russian Spies Hacking American Spies, But...
2017-10-11 05:18

The cold cyber war has just turned hot. According to a story published today by the New York Times, Israeli government hackers hacked into Kaspersky’s network in 2015 and caught Russian government...

Hacking the Election: Security Flaws Need Fixing, Researchers Say
2017-10-10 20:49

Hackers could have easily infiltrated US voting machines in 2016 and are likely to try again in light of vulnerabilities in electronic polling systems, a group of researchers said Tuesday. read more

Sri Lanka Arrests Two Men over Taiwan Bank Hacking
2017-10-08 17:00

Sri Lankan police have arrested two men for allegedly helping international criminals who  hacked into computers at a Taiwan bank and stole millions of dollars, an official said Sunday. read more

Latin American ATM Thieves Turning to Hacking
2017-10-05 16:11

Thieves in Latin American countries are turning to Eastern European hackers to build ATM malware from scratch, according to a Virus Bulletin talk by researchers at Kaspersky Lab.

Spanish Court Agrees to Extradite Russian Hacking Suspect to US
2017-10-04 15:15

Spain's High Court said Tuesday it had agreed to a US request to extradite a Russian man accused of controlling one of the world's top generators of spam and online extortion. read more

Learn How to Use Your Android for Hacking and Penetration Testing
2017-09-27 05:51

Android is now the most used mobile operating system in the world—even Microsoft’s Founder Bill Gates has recently revealed that he is currently using an Android device. Mobile devices have become...