Security News

Credit Card System Hack Led to HIPAA Breach Report
2018-12-10 20:48

Baylor Scott & White Medical Center - Frisco Notifying Those AffectedThe hacking of a credit card processing system has prompted a Texas hospital to notify federal regulators and affected...

Chinese Government Suspected in Marriott Hack: Report
2018-12-06 17:08

The massive Marriott data breach affecting as many as 500 million individuals may be the work of hackers sponsored by the Chinese government, Reuters learned from several people investigatin read more

Windows 10 security question: How do miscreants use these for post-hack persistence?
2018-12-06 13:20

Infosec duo worked out how to remotely set their own answers Black Hat Crafty infosec researchers have figured out how to remotely set answers to Windows 10’s password reset questions “without...

Brits' DNA data sent to military base after 'foreign' hack attacks – report
2018-12-06 09:07

100,000 Genomes Project is secure, insists chair An ambitious project to map the DNA of a million Brits has experienced such sustained hack attacks that officials have had to shift the data to a...

GOPwned: Republicans fall victim to email hack
2018-12-04 23:44

NRCC says it was hit in run-up to 2018 elections The National Republican Congressional Committee, the Republican Party's campaigning arm, has confirmed it has fallen victim to a major compromise...

Question: Did Quora Hack Expose 100 Million Users?
2018-12-04 11:48

Answer: Yes, Q&A Site Believes Hackers Stole Private Content, Hashed PasswordsNext to corporate communications that claim that "your security is important to us," any website post titled "security...

Chris Vickery on the Marriott Breach and a Rash of Recent High-Profile Hacks
2018-12-03 17:54

In this Newsmaker Interview, ‘breach hunter’ Chris Vickery explores a recent spate of breaches from Marriott, USPS and Dell EMC.

Giraffe hacks printers to promote tasteless YouTuber
2018-12-01 00:35

Yeah, we don’t know wtf is going on either Did your work printer produce a strange call to action this week, encouraging you to follow someone on YouTube, unlike from a Bollywood channel and then...

Marriott's Starwood Reservation Hack Could Affect 500 Million
2018-11-30 13:48

Database Intrusion Dates Back to 2014The Marriott hotel chain has announced its Starwood guest reservation database has been hacked, potentially exposing up to 500 million accounts. The...

Marriott's Starwood hotels mega-hack: Half a BEEELLION guests' deets hacked over four YEARS
2018-11-30 12:28

One of, but not the worst, in history US hotel chain Marriott has admitted that a breach of its Starwood subsidiary's guest reservation network has exposed the entire database – all 500 million...