Security News
The U.S. Army released the results of its Hack the Army bug bounty, and said that close to $100,000 was paid out, and 118 unique and actionable vulnerabilities were reported.
The 8th annual Hack In The Box Security Conference in Amsterdam will feature brand new 2 and 3-day hands-on technical trainings covering a wide variety of topics from Linux kernel exploitation...
President Barack Obama's public accusation of Russia as the source of the hacks in the US presidential election and the leaking of sensitive e-mails through WikiLeaks and other sources has opened...
The U.S. intelligence committee is expected to publish an unclassified report on Russia's involvement with influencing the presidential election.
Burlington Electric Department general manager Neale Lunderville speaks out about last week's incident and response to reports the electric grid had been hacked.
The rush to connect a security incident at a Vermont utility to Russian government hackers is more evidence of the challenges around attribution.
Joint report “Grizzly Steppe” implicates Russian hacking group Fancy Bear in U.S. election-related hacking.
A bug bounty hunter earned $5,000 for a Facebook hack that allowed him to bypass security protection and access any Facebook user's true email address.
Yahoo has revealed that it’s been the victim of another hack and massive data breach that resulted in the compromise of information of a billion users! What happened? Outside forensic experts that...