Security News

A Google Drive 'Feature' Could Let Attackers Trick You Into Installing Malware
2020-08-22 00:49

An unpatched security weakness in Google Drive could be exploited by malware attackers to distribute malicious files disguised as legitimate documents or images, enabling bad actors to perform spear-phishing attacks comparatively with a high success rate. The latest security issue-of which Google is aware but left unpatched-resides in the "Manage versions" functionality offered by Google Drive that allows users to upload and manage different versions of a file, as well as in the way its interface provides a new version of the files to the users.

Phishing Scheme Uses Google Drive to Avoid Security: Report
2019-08-16 17:48

Emails Disguised as Messages From CEOA newly identified phishing campaign used Google Drive to help bypass some email security features as attackers attempted to target a company in the energy...

Energy Sector Phish Swims Past Microsoft Email Security via Google Drive
2019-08-15 18:49

The savvy technique of avoiding malicious links in the email allowed the phishing attack to reach its targets.

G Suite news: Anomalous alert activity for Google Drive, Advanced Protection for enterprise users
2019-08-01 10:25

Google is rolling out new security options for G Suite users and admins, aimed at alerting organizations about data exfiltration attempts on Google Drive and helping them protect their high-risk...

Be wary of emails with links to ... er, Google Drive? Is that right?
2019-05-07 15:45

Alibaba, Azure and more used for badness, warns infosec biz Spammers are increasingly turning to common file-sharing and object storage services such as Google Drive and Microsoft Azure, in an...

RogueRobin Malware Uses Google Drive as C2 Channel
2019-01-23 12:00

The RogueRobin uses a mix of novel techniques.

DarkHydrus Hackers Use Google Drive in Recent Attacks
2019-01-21 18:16

The DarkHydrus threat group has added new functionality to the payloads used in recent attacks and is also leveraging Google Drive for command and control (C&C) purposes, Palo Alto Networks...

New malware found using Google Drive as its command-and-control server
2019-01-21 15:48

Since most security tools also keep an eye on the network traffic to detect malicious IP addresses, attackers are increasingly adopting infrastructure of legitimate services in their attacks to...

WhatsApp warns that Google Drive backups are not encrypted
2018-08-29 15:05

Facebook-owned WhatsApp has recently announced that, starting on November 12, 2018, Android users will be able to store their WhatsApp backups on Google Drive without the backup being counted...

RAT Distributed Via Google Drive Targets East Asia
2017-11-30 17:02

Researchers say a new remote access Trojan dubbed UBoatRAT is targeting individuals or organizations linked to South Korea or video games industry.