Security News

The method behind the spam glitch was spotted last year but ignored by Google

Google Discloses Unpatched Windows Lockdown Policy Bypass read more

Security researchers have just revealed a new unpatched bug that allows attackers to circumvent Windows 10 S' Device Guard feature, which locks the OS to only running whitelisted software.

Google this week announced that iOS users can now receive Google prompts via their Gmail application. read more

Large numbers of child-centred Android apps may be breaking US law.

A new targeted surveillance app has been found and booted from Google Play. The app, named Dardesh, posed as a chat application and acted as a downloader for a second app that could spy on users....

Wants to make money and ignore end-to-end encryption Comment Google is planning to add several new security features to its ubiquitous email service, Gmail, but they will come with a cost –...

Researchers said three apps used to surveil Middle East targets were booted from the Google Play marketplace.

Applications targeting the next version of Android (Android P) are required to use encrypted connections by default, Google said on Thursday. read more

Google's helping the Pentagon to build AI for drones, and a vocal group of employees have asked the company to drop the project.