Security News

Back in January, two senior GCHQ officials proposed a specific backdoor for communications systems. It was universally derided as unworkable -- by me, as well. Now Jon Callas of the ACLU explains why....

The Open Technology Institute (OTI) has responded to GCHQ/NCSC's article on 'Principles for a More Informed Exceptional Access Debate' with an 'Open Letter to GCHQ on the Threats Posed by the...

Brit spies' idea would backdoor WhatsApp et al without breaking the crypto Bruce Schneier, Richard Stallman and a host of western tech companies including Microsoft and WhatsApp are pushing back...

Last week, I evaluated the security of a recent GCHQ backdoor proposal for communications systems. Furthering the debate, Nate Cardozo and Seth Schoen of EFF explain how this sort of backdoor can...

The so-called Crypto Wars have been going on for 25 years now. Basically, the FBI -- and some of their peer agencies in the U.K., Australia, and elsewhere -- argue that the pervasive use of...

Sliding into your DMs unnoticed, literally Analysis Britain's surveillance nerve-center GCHQ is trying a different tack in its effort to introduce backdoors into encrypted apps: reasonableness.…

Plus: State-backed hacks now need permission from a judge On the same day that certain types of British state-backed hacking now need a judge-issued warrant to carry out, GCHQ has lifted the veil...

State investigation finds non-Snowden proof of UK badness - local report GCHQ’s rumoured hacking operation against Belgacom came back into the spotlight yesterday after a local newspaper revealed...

The UK's GCHQ delivers a brutally blunt assessment of quantum key distribution: QKD protocols address only the problem of agreeing keys for encrypting data. Ubiquitous on-demand modern services...