Security News

Tsurugi Linux: Tailoring user experience for digital forensics and OSINT investigations
2024-01-16 04:30

Tsurugi Linux is a heavily customized open-source distribution focused on supporting DFIR investigations. The project focuses mainly on live forensics analysis, post-mortem analysis, and digital evidence acquisition.

DriveFS Sleuth: Open-source tool for investigating Google Drive File Stream’s disk forensic artifacts
2024-01-04 05:30

DriveFS Sleuth automates the investigation of Google Drive File Stream disk artifacts. The tool can parse the disk artifacts and build a filesystem tree-like structure enumerating the synchronized files along with their respective properties.

Mobile Verification Toolkit: Forensic analysis of Android and iOS devices to identify compromise
2023-09-14 03:30

Mobile Verification Toolkit is a collection of utilities to simplify and automate the process of gathering forensic traces helpful to identify a potential compromise of Android and iOS devices. MVT supports using public indicators of compromise to scan mobile devices for potential traces of targeting or infection by known spyware campaigns.

Velociraptor: Open-source digital forensics and incident response
2023-08-30 03:30

Velociraptor is a sophisticated digital forensics and incident response tool designed to improve your insight into endpoint activities. Velociraptor enables you to conduct precise and rapid collection of digital forensic data across multiple endpoints simultaneously.

Excel Data Forensics
2023-06-26 15:36

In this detailed article about academic plagiarism are some interesting details about how to do data forensics on Excel files. It really needs the graphics to understand, so see the description at the link.

Google Cloud Platform allows data exfiltration without a (forensic) trace
2023-03-01 14:43

Attackers can exfiltrate company data stored in Google Cloud Platform storage buckets without leaving obvious forensic traces of the malicious activity in GCP's storage access logs, Mitiga researchers have discovered. "In normal usage, files inside storage objects are read multiple times a day as part of day-to-day activity of the organization," Mitiga cloud incident responder Veronica Marinov noted.

Digital forensics and incident response: The most common DFIR incidents
2023-02-24 23:57

Digital forensics is growing while being more tied with incident response, according to the latest State of Enterprise Digital Forensics and Incident Response survey from Magnet Forensics. Digital forensics increasingly involved with incident response.

Digital forensics incident readiness
2023-01-06 04:30

Digital forensics is used to find, examine and analyze digital evidence that can serve in criminal investigations, but also in incident response, investigations of data breaches, to unearth insider threats, etc. Colm Gallagher, Forensics Director, CommSec Communications & Security, talks about the factors that make digital forensics more difficult for law enforcement and industry, and offers advice and lays out practical measures that can increase forensic readiness for all.

Dissect: Open-source framework for collecting, analyzing forensic data
2022-10-05 07:43

A game changer in cyber incident response, the Dissect framework enables data acquisition on thousands of systems within hours, regardless of the nature and size of the IT environment to be investigated after an attack. Now it is available on GitHub to the security community as open source software to help advance and accelerate forensic data collection and analysis.

The importance of ramping up digital forensics and incident response tech investments
2022-03-24 05:00

Magnet Forensics announced the release of an IDC survey which revealed that more than half of the respondents are expecting to make major investments in digital forensics and incident response technology over the next two years to address growing cybersecurity threats. "The results of the survey are clear: Digital forensics is going to play a central role in helping enterprises protect their most valuable digital assets over the next several years," said Adam Belsher, CEO at Magnet Forensics.