Security News

According to a new report, average and maximum DDoS attack sizes decreased by 85.36% and 23.91%.

The FBI’s shutdown of the 15 largest distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) for hire vendors (booters) reduced the overall number of attacks worldwide by nearly 11 percent compared to the same...

Fed bust of massive attack network caused traffic loads to plummet in Q4 The FBI's takedown of a group of prolific DDoS-for-hire websites has single-handedly helped to drop attack levels globally.…

The FBI's crackdown on 15 DDoS-for-hire sites appears to have had an impact on DDoS attacks, the average size for which dropped 85 percent in the fourth quarter of 2018, a new report found.

FamilyTreeDNA has disclosed that it's opened up DNA profiles to the FBI to help find suspects of violent crime.

Or C. It's all a libtard plot? A developer specializing in mobile apps for US conservatives is under fire for threatening to call the Feds on someone who reported security shortcomings in its software.…

Cyber-Espionage Campaign May Tie to Recent Credential-Stuffing BreachCitrix Systems is investigating a suspected hack attack, resulting in the theft of business documents, after being tipped off...

Tired: Booth babes. Wired: Floof babes. Expired: Conference hall carpets Roundup This week we had an NSA reverse-engineering toolkit released at the RSA Conference, a buffer bashed aboard British...

Other than that, everything's just fine, happy Friday here Citrix has warned customers that hackers unknown have been romping through its internal network stealing corporate secrets.…

At RSA Conference, Director Addresses Nation-State ThreatsSpeaking at the RSA Conference 2019, FBI Director Christopher Wray noted that when he took on the job two years ago, he was "shocked" by...