Security News

Leaked NSA Exploit Spreading Ransomware Worldwide (Threatpost)
2017-05-12 17:32

Attackers behind today’s WannaCry ransomware outbreak in Europe are spreading the malware using the EternalBlue exploit leaked by the ShadowBrokers.

Massive Ransomware Attack That's Hitting World Right Now Uses NSA's Exploit (The Hackers News)
2017-05-12 12:27

Earlier today, a massive ransomware campaign hit computer systems of hundreds of private companies and public organizations across the globe – which is believed to be the most massive ransomware...

Cisco Finally Patches 0-Day Exploit Disclosed In Wikileaks-CIA Leak (The Hackers News)
2017-05-10 05:27

Cisco Systems has finally released an update for its IOS and IOS XE software to address a critical vulnerability, disclosed nearly two months back in the CIA Vault 7 leak, that affects more than...

Google 0-Day Hunter Finds Worst “Windows RCE Exploit” of All Time (The Hackers News)
2017-05-08 03:57

Google Project Zero's security researchers have discovered another critical remote code execution (RCE) vulnerability in Microsoft’s Windows operating system, claiming that it is something truly...