Security News

Rurktar Malware: An Espionage Tool in Development (Security Week)
2017-07-27 19:52

A newly discovered spyware family that appears designed for cyber-espionage is still under development, G DATA security researchers say. read more

Experts Unveil Cyber Espionage Attacks by CopyKittens Hackers (The Hackers News)
2017-07-25 08:11

Security researchers have discovered a new, massive cyber espionage campaign that mainly targets people working in government, defence and academic organisations in various countries. The campaign...

Understanding Geopolitics Key to Analyzing Cyber Espionage: German Intelligence Service (Security Week)
2017-07-05 16:24

Understanding geopolitics is key to understanding the perpetrators and victims of cyber espionage. This is one of the key messages from the German federal domestic intelligence service (BfV) 2016...

Tainted Leaks: Researchers Unravel Cyber-Espionage Attacks (InfoRiskToday)
2017-05-30 18:17

Phishing Emails, Hacked Gmail Addresses Tied to Campaign with Russian NexusA cyber-espionage campaign apparently linked to Russia has targeted more than 200 people in 39 countries and leaked...

Hacking tools in Vault 7 data dump linked to prolific cyber espionage group (Help Net Security)
2017-04-11 21:10

While security researchers and companies go through the collection of hacking tools contained in the data dump that the Shadow Brokers failed to sell, Symantec has tied hacking tools from...