Security News

Is homomorphic encryption ready to deliver confidential cloud computing to enterprises?
2019-07-29 10:41

The ability to keep data encrypted while you use it for computations in the cloud could protect data from attackers and malicious insiders alike. There is still a performance hit, but you can...

The Encryption 'Backdoor' Debate Continues
2019-07-25 22:18

The latest edition of the ISMG Security Report offers a deep dive on the debate about whether law enforcement officials should have a "backdoor" to circumvent encryption. Also featured: An...

Backdoors won't weaken your encryption, wails FBI boss. And he's right. They won't – they'll fscking torpedo it
2019-07-25 20:18

Give it a Wray, give it a Wray, give it a Wray now: Big Chris steps in to defend blowing a hole in personal encryption FBI head honcho Christopher Wray is rather peeved all y'all think the US...

Attorney General William Barr on Encryption Policy
2019-07-24 11:43

Yesterday, Attorney General William Barr gave a major speech on encryption policy -- what is commonly known as "going dark." Speaking at Fordham University in New York, he admitted that adding...

Low Barr: Don't give me that crap about security, just put the backdoors in the encryption, roars US Attorney General
2019-07-23 21:38

I don't want to hear about hackers and keys, nerds – make it happen, or we'll pass a law making it happen Analysis If the cops and Feds can't read people's encrypted messages, you will install...

Tech firms “can and must” put backdoors in encryption, AG Barr says
2019-07-23 18:55

He's tired of "dogmatic announcements that lawful access simply cannot be done."

US Attorney General Says Encryption Creates Security Risk
2019-07-23 15:31

U.S. Attorney General Bill Barr said Tuesday that increased encryption of data on phones and computers and encrypted messaging apps are putting American security at risk. read more

Presidential Candidate Andrew Yang Has Quantum Encryption Policy
2019-07-12 10:36

At least one presidential candidate has a policy about quantum computing and encryption. It has two basic planks. One: fund quantum-resistant encryption standards. (Note: NIST is already doing...

The highly competitive global encryption management solutions market continues to grow
2019-07-12 04:15

The increasing adoption of digitalization and globalization of enterprises have made IT resources prone to cyber attacks. This has increased the demand for encryption management solutions which...

Analysis: Strong vs. Weak Encryption
2019-07-05 10:18

The latest edition of the ISMG Security Report analyzes the debate over whether the government should require technology firms to use weak encryption for messaging applications. Plus, D-Link's...