Security News
![How Google Cloud users can combat coronavirus-themed phishing emails](/static/build/img/news/alt/covid-cybersecurity-statistics-scaled-small.jpg)
Google is striving to block Gmail messages and other content that exploit COVID-19, but there are steps users can take to fight such malware.
![Suspicious business emails increase, imposters pretend to be executives](/static/build/img/news/alt/IoT-Cybersecurity-Predictions-2-small.jpg)
U.S. small businesses report an increase in suspicious business emails over the past year, a cyber survey by HSB shows, and employees are taking the bait as they fall for phishing schemes and transfer tens of thousands of dollars in company funds into fraudulent accounts. Over half of business executives said suspicious emails had increased in the past year.
![Warning! Fake Zoom “HR meeting” emails phish for your password](/static/build/img/news/warning-fake-zoom-hr-meeting-emails-phish-for-your-password.png)
Example CEO and Management Board Meeting for all staffs on Zoom Meeting This is a reminder that your zoom meeting appointment with H.R and Audit Head will start in few minutes. Your presence is crucial to this meeting and equally required to commence this Q1 perfomance review meeting Join this Live Meeting Meeting Purpose: Contract Suspension / Termination Trial.
![How sextortion scam emails sneak past security filters](/static/build/img/news/alt/breach-statistics-small.jpg)
In the past, most of these sextortion emails were sent in high numbers with links to Bitcoin sites, specific URLs, and other details that raised a red flag with security filters. That's why many sextortion emails have switched to using QR codes, which many filters can't detect.
![How to better protect your organization against email threats](/static/build/img/news/alt/cyberattack-statistics-1-small.jpg)
Released on Wednesday, the 2020 Trustwave Global Security Report looks at the latest types of email attacks and offers advice on how organizations can defend against them. Cybercriminals have amped up their email game by using more targeted phishing attacks.
![Porn scammers making $100,000 a month from sextortion emails](/static/build/img/news/porn-scammers-making-100000-a-month-from-sextortion-emails.jpg)
Did you receive one of those "Porn scam" emails in the past week or so? As you can imagine, once recipients of these emails realise it's all a cruel and criminal hoax, and that some crook is simply preying on their fears, the pressure is off and they can relax.
![Zero-Day Warning: It's Possible to Hack iPhones Just by Sending Emails](/static/build/img/news/zero-day-warning-it-s-possible-to-hack-iphones-just-by-sending-emails.jpg)
The default mailing app pre-installed on millions of iPhones and iPads has been found vulnerable to two critical flaws that attackers are exploiting in the wild, at least, from the last two years to spy on high-profile victims. The flaws could eventually let remote hackers secretly take complete control over Apple devices just by sending an email to any targeted individual with his email account logged-in to the vulnerable app.
![Zero-Day Warning: It's Possible to Hack iPhones Just by Sending Emails](/static/build/img/news/zero-day-warning-it-s-possible-to-hack-iphones-just-by-sending-emails.jpg)
The default mailing app pre-installed on millions of iPhones and iPads has been found vulnerable to two critical flaws that attackers are exploiting in the wild, at least, from the last two years to spy on high-profile victims. The flaws could eventually let remote hackers secretly take complete control over Apple devices just by sending an email to any targeted individual with his email account logged-in to the vulnerable app.
![At last – a use for all those phishing emails you’ve been getting!](/static/build/img/news/at-last-a-use-for-all-those-phishing-emails-youve-been-getting.jpg)
Because the last thing we want to see is that we all end up so focused on coronavirus-themed scams that we inadvertently create a loophole for those crooks who are carefully sending non-coronavirus scams in the hope of attracting less scrutiny - hiding in plain sight, as it were. If you simply redefine "Nigerian scams" as "Advance fee fraud scams" - in other words, you focus on how they work instead of who may or may not be perpetrating them - you learn how to recognise fraudulent money-up-front schemes in general and protect yourself much better.
![Cyberattackers Ramp Up to 1.5M COVID-19 Emails Per Day](/static/build/img/news/cyberattackers-ramp-up-to-1-5m-covid-19-emails-per-day.jpg)
Cyberattackers have reached a peak of sending 1.5 million malicious emails per day related to the COVID-19 pandemic over the course of the last three months, according to new research. "We saw a rise in unwanted emails containing embedded URLs using the keywords of 'COVID' or 'corona,' from negligible values in January 2020 to over half a million blocked per day the end-of-March onwards," he wrote in the post.