Security News
Reminder—If you've forgotten about any Google app after using it once a few years ago, be careful, it may still have access to your private emails. When it comes to privacy on social media, we...
Security training and awareness should be at the top of your layered security strategy to ensure your employees are less of a liability, and the risk of a breach is significantly lower.
STARTTLS is the email command that switches into encrypted mode. EFF just announced "STARTTLS Everyhere" to get everyone on board...
The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) this week announced STARTTLS Everywhere, a new project aimed at improving the security of email delivery. read more
In another one of those privacy hiccups Facebook is making a habit of lately, the company has admitted accidentally copying some weekly app developer emails to the wrong recipients.
Eight individuals were arrested for their roles in a widespread, Africa-based business email compromise (BEC) conspiracy, the United States Department of Justice announced on Monday. read more
And so it's trying to kick off an effort to fix that up, because security and privacy matter Having successfully pushed for universal HTTPS Web encryption, the Electronic Frontier Foundation's...
Security researchers have been warning about a simple technique that cyber criminals and email scammers are using in the wild to bypass most AI-powered phishing detection mechanisms implemented by...
The best defense against phishing attacks for enterprises may be self-reporting employees. Report Message for Outlook provides an easy to use reporting mechanism.
London, UK-based start-up Tessian has raised $13 million in a Series A funding round led by Balderton Capital. Existing investors Accel, Amadeus Capital Partners, Crane, LocalGlobe, Winton...