Security News

A newly proposed CISA directive would require all U.S. agencies to develop and implement vulnerability disclosure processes for their internet connected systems.

The DHS is requiring all federal agencies to develop a vulnerability disclosure policy. The goal is that people who discover vulnerabilities in government systems have a mechanism for reporting...

A serious Wi-Fi flaw shows how Linux handles security in plain sight.

The issue is in an Intel chip used for remote management.

49-year-old to appear at the Old Bailey next month A former BAE Systems defence contractor has appeared in court accused of leaking "highly sensitive" secrets to foreign governments.…

A full 90% of security professionals say yes, according to a poll conducted by 451 Research and commissioned by security testing company Veracode.

Facebook has patched two high-severity vulnerabilities in its server application that could have allowed remote attackers to unauthorisedly obtain sensitive information or cause a denial of...

Do the Proposals Go Too Far, or Not Far Enough?The Department of Health and Human Services has issued proposed changes to privacy rules related to the sharing of patient records created by...

From a backdoor placed in the Webmin utility to vulnerability disclosure drama around zero-days in Valve's Steam gaming clients, Threatpost breaks down this week's top stories.

Intel has patched seven high-severity vulnerabilities in its mini PC NUC kit firmware.