Security News
New malware and unwanted apps are discovered on Google Play nearly every day – or so it seems. According to Google’s statistics, in 2017 the company has taken down more than 700,000 apps that...
The official website of Ukraine-based accounting software developer Crystal Finance Millennium (CFM) was abused for the distribution of a variant of the ZeuS banking Trojan, Talos reports. read more
Finally, here we have a vulnerability that targets Android developers and reverse engineers, instead of app users. Security researchers have discovered an easily-exploitable vulnerability in...
A proof of concept attack developed by researchers target users of the development platforms for Android and Java.
Popular Git repository hosting service GitHub has introduced a new feature to help developers keep their projects safer: security alerts for vulnerabilities in software packages which their...
Code hosting service GitHub now warns developers if certain software libraries used by their projects contain any known vulnerabilities and provides advice on how to address the issue. read more
A NodeSource and Sqreen joint developer survey of nearly 300 CTOs, CIOs and developers revealed that, while the developer community fully understands the risks of operating in the open Internet...
Canonical released Ubuntu 17.10 featuring a new GNOME desktop on Wayland, and new versions of KDE, MATE and Budgie. On the cloud, 17.10 brings Kubernetes 1.8 for hyper-elastic container...
Tor cofounder Roger Dingledine sets the record straight at DEF CON on popular myths, and at the same time teases upcoming features.
Malicious actors can abuse GitHub and other services that host Git repositories for stealthy attacks aimed at software developers, experts showed recently at the Black Hat security conference in...