Security News

ENISA provides details on the complex cybersecurity exercise carried out in 2014 (Help Net Security)
2015-09-23 10:49

ENISA released the public version of the After Action Report of the pan-European cybersecurity exercise Cyber Europe 2014 (CE2014). This report, approved by the Member States, gives a high-level overv...

NIST will award $3.6 million to projects designed to improve cybersecurity (Help Net Security)
2015-09-23 07:00

The U.S. Department of Commerce's National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) will award $3.6 million for three pilot projects designed to make online transactions more secure and privacy-en...

Federal CISOs Propose New Efforts to Shore Up Cybersecurity (Threatpost)
2015-09-22 17:55

With many government departments still reeling when it comes to security, several federal CISOs brought up a handful of new ideas at last week’s Billington Cybersecurity Summit in Washington, D.C...