Security News

Threat actors associated with the Cyclops ransomware have been observed offering an information stealer malware that's designed to capture sensitive data from infected hosts. Cyclops ransomware is notable for targeting all major desktop operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and Linux.

An unknown cybercrime threat actor has been observed targeting Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking victims to compromise online banking accounts in Mexico, Peru, and Portugal. The cybersecurity company attributed the campaign, dubbed Operation CMDStealer, to a Brazilian threat actor based on an analysis of the artifacts.

According to Egress, the evolving attack methodologies currently used by cybercriminals are designed to get through traditional perimeter security. "Although traditional signature-based detection can filter out phishing emails with known malicious payloads, cybercriminals are constantly refining their attack methods to bypass existing detection systems and appear more credible to their victims. Our report reveals that attacks are increasingly leveraging social engineering, advanced technical measures, and compromised email addresses to deliver sophisticated payloads or defraud organizations. Every attack we analyzed had bypassed other forms of anti-phishing detection, including secure email gateways," Chapman continued.

A financially motivated threat actor is actively scouring the internet for unprotected Apache NiFi instances to covertly install a cryptocurrency miner and facilitate lateral movement. "The attack script is not saved to the system. The attack scripts are kept in memory only."

"Because cybercriminals are keen on breaking CAPTCHAs accurately, several services that are primarily geared toward this market demand have been created," Trend Micro said in a report published last week. "These CAPTCHA-solving services don't use techniques or advanced machine learning methods; instead, they break CAPTCHAs by farming out CAPTCHA-breaking tasks to actual human solvers."

A crypter malware dubbed AceCryptor has been used to pack numerous strains of malware since 2016. Some of the prominent malware families contained within AceCryptor are SmokeLoader, RedLine Stealer, RanumBot, Raccoon Stealer, Stop ransomware, and Amadey, among others.

Cybercriminals are increasingly posing as multi-factor authentication vendors and small businesses are becoming more popular targets, according to VIPRE. Attachment-based malspam is on the rise. The report also concluded that attachment-based malspam is on the rise, by a significant 22% when compared to malspam with links.

A financially motivated threat actor of Indonesian origin has been observed leveraging Amazon Web Services Elastic Compute Cloud instances to carry out illicit crypto mining operations. Cloud security company's Permiso P0 Labs, which first detected the group in November 2021, has assigned it the moniker GUI-vil.

A new phishing-as-a-service platform named Greatness has been leveraged by cybercriminals to target business users of the Microsoft 365 cloud service since at least mid-2022, effectively lowering the bar to entry for phishing attacks. "Greatness, for now, is only focused on Microsoft 365 phishing pages, providing its affiliates with an attachment and link builder that creates highly convincing decoy and login pages," Cisco Talos researcher Tiago Pereira said.

Bot attacks were previously seen as relatively inconsequential type of online fraud, and that mentality has persisted even as threat actors have gained the ability to cause significant damage to revenue and brand reputation, according to HUMAN. Bad bot traffic. Bad bot traffic overall increased even as people spent less time online.