Security News
What if just receiving a video call on WhatsApp could hack your smartphone? This sounds filmy, but Google Project Zero security researcher Natalie Silvanovich found a critical vulnerability in...
Gemalto released the latest findings of the Breach Level Index, a global database of public data breaches, revealing 945 data breaches led to 4.5 billion data records being compromised worldwide...
A data breach targeting women's apparel giant SHEIN occurred between June and August 2018.
Allan Stojanovic of the University of Toronto on Fraud-Fighting ChallengesBusiness email compromises have been at the center of a number of procurement fraud scams, says Allan Stojanovic, a...
Hundreds of e-commerce Sites Impacted by MageCart Compromise of Cloud Service Provider read more
Customer engagement service Feedify has been hit by Magecart attackers, who repeatedly modified a script that it serves to a few hundred websites to include payment card skimming code. The current...
Cypaw is a risk management tool, bringing visibility and control to organisation’s digital footprint while reducing the likelihood of successful phishing attacks. Cyber-attacks remain a daily...
The airline said information like name, address and bank card details like CVC code were compromised.
'CEO Fraud' Social-Engineering Attacks Continue to SurgeBusiness email compromise attacks continue to be lucrative, for the criminally inclined. With the FBI reporting that reports of such attacks...
Only a third believe it would be difficult or impossible to carry out a successful insider attack.