Security News

Nintendo Switch users about to get pwned after unpatchable flaw found in NVIDIA Tegra chips
2018-04-23 21:17

Researcher reveals demo attack code, full release in June Security researcher Kate Temkin has released proof-of-concept code to launch an exploit chain called Fusée Gelée, which relies on an...

Brains behind seL4 secure microkernel begin RISC-V chip port
2018-04-23 05:02

Unveil first code, joins giants in industry standard-club Last week, the first RISC-V port of its seL4 microkernel was released by the Data61 division of the Australian government's Commonwealth...

Facebook Plans to Build Its Own Chips For Hardware Devices
2018-04-19 12:03

A new job opening post on Facebook suggests that the social network is forming a team to build its own hardware chips, joining other tech titans like Google, Apple, and Amazon in becoming more...

Could an Intel chip flaw put your whole computer at risk?
2018-04-17 10:26

All it would take is a low-level programming bug in your computer's CPU.

Intel's security light bulb moment: Chips to recruit GPUs to scan memory for software nasties
2018-04-17 03:00

Coprocessors drafted for threat detection duties Having weathered revelations in January that its chips can be attacked through a novel class of side-channel vulnerabilities – mostly addressed...

Microsoft has designed an Arm Linux IoT cloud chip. Repeat, an Arm Linux IoT cloud chip
2018-04-17 00:58

And it talks to Azure. Cortana probably spotted lurking nearby Microsoft has designed a family of Arm-based system-on-chips for Internet-of-Things devices that runs its own flavor of Linux, and...

Crooks are swapping out chips on payment cards, says US Secret Service
2018-04-08 21:27

The crooks don't steal your whole card, which you'd probably notice, but just the chip from it...

Intel won’t fix Spectre flaws in older chips
2018-04-06 12:06

If your PC runs one of Intel’s older microprocessors, bad news

Secret Service Warns of Chip Card Scheme
2018-04-05 15:50

The U.S. Secret Service is warning financial institutions about a new scam involving the temporary theft of chip-based debit cards issued to large corporations. In this scheme, the fraudsters...

Intel drops plans to develop Spectre microcode for ancient chips
2018-04-04 17:35

Company claims it's too hard, and few systems have exposure to attack.