Security News

British Hacker Convicted in Germany of Major Cyber Attack (Security Week)
2017-07-28 13:16

A British man was handed a suspended jail sentence by a German court Friday for a massive cyber attack against Deutsche Telekom last year. read more

British Hacker Admits Using Mirai Botnet to DDoS Deutsche Telekom (The Hackers News)
2017-07-25 03:07

An unnamed 29-year-old man, named by authorities as "Daniel K.," pleaded guilty in a German court on Friday to charges related to the hijacking of more than one Million Deutsche Telekom routers....

British Parliament Targeted by Brute-Force Email Hackers (InfoRiskToday)
2017-06-26 12:18

Poor Password Security Blamed Following Compromise of Up to 90 AccountsMembers of Parliament in Britain have had their remote email access suspended following an apparent brute-force hack attempt...

Two British Men Arrested For Hacking Microsoft (The Hackers News)
2017-06-23 03:22

British police have arrested two men in the UK conspiring to hack into the computer networks of US tech giant Microsoft with plans to steal customers’ data from the software giant. The suspects —...

British Security Services Tie North Korea To WannaCry (InfoRiskToday)
2017-06-16 12:03

As Lazarus Group Attacks, Experts Question Organizations' Security ReadinessBritain's security services have reportedly concluded that the WannaCry ransomware outbreak was launched by Lazarus...

45% of large British businesses sustained a successful ransomware attack (Help Net Security)
2017-04-05 12:30

Over a third of British businesses (36 percent) are not very confident that efforts to completely eradicate a recent ransomware attack from work systems have been successful. The research, carried...