Security News
Attack bots unleashed as major sites left wide open to abuse If you're one of those people who hates picking out cars, street signs and other objects in CAPTCHA image grids, then get used to it...
Subscribers using wireless calls wide open to attack Boffins from Michigan State University in the US and National Chiao Tung University in Taiwan have found that the Wi-Fi calling services...
Security experts frantically facepalming at stupid design Fundamental flaws in the encryption system used by popular solid-state drives (SSDs) can be exploited by miscreants to easily decrypt...
Internet Engineering Task Force doc examines how to better protect authentication tokens Google and Microsoft engineers have pooled their efforts to propose a protection against what are known as...
Google Instant Apps still needs a lot of work on security Password managers on mobile devices can be tricked by imposter apps into handing over a user's passwords.…
Nerd out over bizarre ultrasonic fluid dynamics Video Fluid dynamics is weird. Physicists have reverse engineered the popping of a bubble and managed to keep it levitated just by using the power of sound.…
Researchers break certificate authorities' domain validation Researchers based in Germany have discovered how to spoof certificates they don't own – even if the certs are protected by the...
Open source trusted execution component expected this fall At some point this fall, a team of researchers from MIT's CSAIL and UC Berkeley's EECS aim to deliver an initial version of an open...
Researchers manipulate gyroscopic controls with ultrasonic attack A group of university researchers have developed a way to remotely control motion-sensing devices using only sound waves.…
Uninvited middlemen may be messing with message Most people's DNS queries – by which browsers and other software resolve domain names into IP addresses – remain unprotected while flowing over the...