Security News

Top-Flight Information Security Conference Returns to LondonThe Black Hat Europe information security conference returns to London, featuring 40 research-rich sessions covering diverse topics,...

Survey says one in five security pros have been asked to screw over their employer The threat from rogue insiders, for so long dismissed as scare stories, has quietly bubbled back on to the...

A researcher discovered that a vulnerability in the badge reading app used at the recent Black Hat security conference exposed the registration details of all attendees. read more

Josh Shaul, vice president of web security at Akamai, sat down with TechRepublic's Dan Patterson at Black Hat 2018 to speak about sneaker sales' market and after-market.

Daniel Crowley, research baron for X-Force Red at IBM, and Jennifer Savage, security researcher at Threatcare, show an exploited demo based on vulnerabilities that were found in the Libelium...

Armis' CTO discusses the top IoT security issues in the marketplace today - and whether device manufacturers will start to prioritize security.

The Threatpost team debriefs on the top news and topics from last week's Black Hat and DEF CON conferences.

A "wave of litigation over IoT liability is on the horizon," according to an attorney who has represented plaintiffs in the 2015 Jeep hack.

Researchers crack voice authentication systems by recreating any voice using under ten minutes of sample audio.