Security News

Old Bitcoin transactions can come back to haunt you
2018-01-26 20:08

A group of researchers from Qatar University and Hamad Bin Khalifa University have demonstrated how years-old Bitcoin transactions can be used to retroactively deanonymize users of Tor hidden...

Yikes! Three armed men tried to rob a Bitcoin Exchange in Canada
2018-01-25 09:33

As many non-tech savvy people think that Bitcoin looks like a Gold coin as illustrated in many stock images, perhaps these robbers also planned to rob a cryptocurrency exchange thinking that way....

Bitcoin-Amassing AlphaBay Drug Barons Get US Prison Time
2018-01-18 12:48

'Caliconnect' Earned $1.4 Million on Silk Road Before Its DemiseTwo men have been sentenced to serve at least six years each in U.S. federal prison after selling drugs such as marijuana and...

Ransomware and Bitcoin Enter New Phase
2018-01-05 13:02

The phenomenal appreciation in Bitcoin’s value against the dollar, up roughly 18x in 2017 and 4x since September, gives us pause to consider – from a security perspective – what this might mean...

Google Play Boots 3 Fake Bitcoin Wallet Apps
2017-12-21 18:34

Google moved quickly to kick three fake bitcoin wallet apps from its Google Play marketplace after researchers discovered them earlier this month.

Fake Bitcoin Wallet Apps Removed from Google Play
2017-12-21 13:52

Three fake Bitcoin applications were recently removed from Google Play after security researchers discovered they were tricking users into sending funds to their developers, mobile security firm...

Lazarus Hackers Phish For Bitcoins, Researchers Warn
2017-12-18 13:48

Bitcoin Exchange Job Lure Traces to Hackers Tied to North KoreaBitcoin-seeking phishing attacks have been trying to socially engineer would-be cryptocurrency exchange executives, warn researchers...

Cryptocurrency Infrastructure Flaws Pose Bitcoin Risks
2017-12-15 17:18

Major Cybercrime Gangs Shift From Hacking Banks to BitcoinsBitcoin's massive rise in value and hype continues to draw the attention of hackers, scammers and organized crime. Flaws in bitcoin...

Greek Court Orders Extradition of Russian Bitcoin Suspect to US
2017-12-13 17:55

Greece's Supreme Court on Wednesday ordered that a Russian accused of laundering $4 billion using bitcoin digital currency be extradited to the United States, a court source said. read more

Bitcoin traders beware: Fake trading bot offer delivers RAT
2017-12-08 18:59

As the price of Bitcoin keeps hitting surprising heights, more and more cyber crooks are turning their sights on anything and anyone who trades or uses the popular cryptocurrency. The latest...