Security News

Blackmoon Banking Trojan Using New Infection Technique (Threatpost)
2017-05-04 17:32

Security researchers say the Blackmoon banking Trojan targeting exclusively South Korean financial institutions has developed a new malware infection technique.

How secure are mobile banking apps? (Help Net Security)
2017-04-27 17:46

Do banking institutions have a good handle on the things they need to remediate and new control layers they need to adopt to keep users secure? To answer those questions, Accenture and NowSecure...

Flashlight app on Google Play delivered highly adaptable banking Trojan (Help Net Security)
2017-04-20 17:47

A modified version of the Charger mobile ransomware has been downloaded from Google Play by up to 5,000 users. This new variant of the malware was shipped inside a legitimate-looking flashlight...

Latest Hacking Tools Leak Indicates NSA Was Targeting SWIFT Banking Network (The Hackers News)
2017-04-14 08:42

The Shadow Brokers – a hackers group that claimed to have stolen a bunch of hacking tools from the NSA – released today more alleged hacking tools and exploits that target earlier versions of...

Android Trojan Targeting Over 420 Banking Apps Worldwide Found On Google Play Store (The Hackers News)
2017-04-13 11:15

Do you like watching funny videos online? I am not kind of a funny person, but I love watching funny videos clips online, and this is one of the best things that people can do in their spare time....