Security News

New Octo2 Android Banking Trojan Emerges with Device Takeover Capabilities
2024-09-24 09:37

Cybersecurity researchers have discovered a new version of an Android banking trojan called Octo that comes with improved capabilities to conduct device takeover (DTO) and perform fraudulent...

TrickMo Android Trojan Exploits Accessibility Services for On-Device Banking Fraud
2024-09-13 11:17

Cybersecurity researchers have uncovered a new variant of an Android banking trojan called TrickMo that comes packed with new capabilities to evade analysis and display fake login screens to...

Rocinante Trojan Poses as Banking Apps to Steal Sensitive Data from Brazilian Android Users
2024-09-03 09:37

Mobile users in Brazil are the target of a new malware campaign that delivers a new Android banking trojan named Rocinante. "This malware family is capable of performing keylogging using the...

Hackers steal banking creds from iOS, Android users via PWA apps
2024-08-21 20:57

Threat actors started to use progressive web applications to impersonate banking apps and steal credentials from Android and iOS users. [...]

Czech Mobile Users Targeted in New Banking Credential Theft Scheme
2024-08-20 19:59

Mobile users in the Czech Republic are the target of a novel phishing campaign that leverages a Progressive Web Application (PWA) in an attempt to steal their banking account credentials. The...

How to Offer Secure IVR Banking and Authenticate Callers
2024-08-08 19:58

While busy customers and companies love a good IVR system, hackers love a bad one. Some of the most common methods include tricking the IVR into thinking the hacker is a legitimate customer, launching phishing attacks with automated phone calls or social engineering tactics, using voice biometrics spoofing, and finding vulnerabilities in IVR software to break into the system.

Chameleon Android Banking Trojan Targets Users Through Fake CRM App
2024-08-07 06:25

Cybersecurity researchers have lifted the lid on a new technique adopted by threat actors behind the Chameleon Android banking trojan targeting users in Canada by masquerading as a Customer Relationship Management app. The campaign, spotted in July 2024, targeted customers in Canada and Europe, indicating an expansion of its victimology footprint from Australia, Italy, Poland, and the U.K. The use of CRM-related themes for the malicious dropper apps containing the malware points to the targets being customers in the hospitality sector and Business-to-Consumer employees.

New Android Banking Trojan BingoMod Steals Money, Wipes Devices
2024-08-01 12:52

Cybersecurity researchers have uncovered a new Android remote access trojan called BingoMod that not only performs fraudulent money transfers from the compromised devices but also wipes them in an attempt to erase traces of the malware. "BingoMod belongs to the modern RAT generation of mobile malware, as its remote access capabilities allow threat actors to conduct Account Takeover directly from the infected device, thus exploiting the on-device fraud technique," researchers Alessandro Strino and Simone Mattia said.

Experts Warn of Mekotio Banking Trojan Targeting Latin American Countries
2024-07-08 09:53

Financial institutions in Latin America are being threatened by a banking trojan called Mekotio. Mekotio, known to be actively put to use since 2015, is known to target Latin American countries like Brazil, Chile, Mexico, Spain, Peru, and Portugal with an aim to steal banking credentials.

Patelco shuts down banking systems following ransomware attack
2024-07-02 17:47

Patelco Credit Union has disclosed it experienced a ransomware attack that led to the proactive shutdown of several of its customer-facing banking systems to contain the incident's impact.Patelco is an American credit union with assets exceeding $9 billion.