Security News

Banking Trojan Uses NSA-Linked Exploit
2017-09-25 19:00

Newly observed Retefe banking Trojan samples have implemented the National Security Agency-related EternalBlue exploit, Proofpoint security researchers have discovered. read more

EternalBlue Exploit Used in Retefe Banking Trojan Campaign
2017-09-22 18:02

Banking Trojan Retefe is adopting new WannaCry tricks, adding an EternalBlue module to propagate the malware.

New "Red Alert" Android Banking Trojan Emerges
2017-09-19 15:27

A recently discovered Android banking Trojan features a bot and command and control panel fully written from scratch, SfyLabs has discovered. read more

Red Alert 2.0: New Android Banking Trojan for Sale on Hacking Forums
2017-09-19 03:42

The Recent discoveries of dangerous variants of the Android banking Trojan families, including Faketoken, Svpeng, and BankBot, present a significant threat to online users who may have their login...

Cybercriminals deploying assortment of banking Trojans and ransomware
2017-09-18 20:27

Check Point revealed that banking trojans were extensively used by cybercriminals during August, with three variants appearing in the company’s latest Global Threat Impact Index. The Zeus, Ramnit...

Jimmy Banking Trojan Reuses NukeBot Code (Security Week)
2017-08-29 20:00

A recently discovered modification of the Neutrino banking Trojan reuses parts of the NukeBot source code that was made publicly available earlier this year, Kaspersky Lab researchers discovered. read more

MoqHao Banking Trojan Targets South Korean Android Users (Security Week)
2017-08-29 12:10

A recently spotted Android banking Trojan targeting South Korean users via SMS phishing messages (smishing) was linked to an infection campaign from two years ago, McAfee security researchers...

Android Trojan Now Targets Non-Banking Apps that Require Card Payments (The Hackers News)
2017-08-18 00:56

The infamous mobile banking trojan that recently added ransomware features to steal sensitive data and lock user files at the same time has now been modified to steal credentials from Uber and...

Google Removes Chrome Extension Used in Banking Fraud (Threatpost)
2017-08-16 15:14

Google has removed the Interface Online Chrome extension from the Chrome Web Store. The plugin was used by criminals in Brazil to target corporate users with the aim of stealing banking credentials.